Welding Pathway

Students must complete 4 classes in a pathway to be considered a "Completer" and Transition-Ready.

Welding CIP 48.0508.01

An entry level welder demonstrates the ability to assist lead welders in the fabrication of steel and metal structures. Students must be adept at performing basic welding functions and calculating dimensions as well as operating power equipment, grinders and other related tools. Student must be proficient in reading and interpreting basic blueprints and following work procedure specifications (WPS).

Complete four credits:  

  • 480505 Blueprint Reading for Welding

  • 480523 Oxy-fuel Systems

  • 480521 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Lab 

  • 480522 Gas Metal Arc Welding and Lab

  • 480528 SMAW Groove Welds with Backing Lab

  • 480525 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding and Lab 

  • 480541 Co-op I

I learned how to master welding techniques and fabricating by taking these classes. It has given me a broad experience in the welding field, and it is making me a better candidate as I apply for jobs."

- Will Mathews, 2024  


Both courses meet the criteria for the Work Ready Scholarship. ​

SKYCTC WLD 100/101, 120/121, 130/131 - Must be at least a sophomore and meet SKYCTC admission requirements.

Industry Certifications

  • AWS