The Purple Star Award is a state-sponsored recognition for an individual school’s dedication and support of military-connected youth. The program began in 2017 in Ohio as a result of conversations with service members, veterans, educators, military family members, students, and others. The group discussed ways in which schools could better serve military students and their families.
The Purple Star designation lets military parents know, whether they are on active duty, in the National Guard, or Reserves, that the school is dedicated to helping their child gain the educational and social-emotional skills necessary to be college, workforce, and life ready. According to a 2020 report by the Military Child Education Coalition, 77% of military parents whose children attended a Purple Star school reported that their children had a satisfactory to very satisfactory socio-emotional experience compared with only 54% at non-Purple Star schools. The program is supported by The U.S. Department of Defense, Military Child Education Coalition, and the Interstate Children’s Compact Commission, and currently 34 states implement the program in their schools and school districts.
It is our mission at Barren County High School to ensure that all military-connected youth have the support they need to be successful in school and in life. We will support the Purple Star initiative to the fullest extent, and will be available to our military-connected youth and their families during regular school hours and beyond if needed. Contact Shelly Thomas, shelly.thomas@barren.kyschools.us or Carrie Fisher, carrie.fisher@barren.kyschools.us.
For additional information concerning the Purple Star Program and Kentucky's Purple Star Award, please visit Purple Star Schools- Military Child Education Coalition or Yellow Ribbon Resiliency Program.

Shelly Thomas, Youth Service Center Coordinator

Carrie Fisher, Youth Service Center Assistant Coordinator