ATC MGMT and Admin Support Pathway
Students must complete 4 classes in a pathway to be considered a "Completer" and Transition-Ready.
Management and Entrepreneurship
Choose (2-3) TWO-THREE CREDITS from the following:
080716 Principles of Marketing
060411 Business Management
080310 Entrepreneurship
Choose (1-2) ONE-TWO CREDITS from the following:
060112 Digital Literacy
or CIT 105
060170 Personal Finance
060107 Business Education Co-op
Administrative Support
Choose 3-4 CREDITS from the following:
060112 Digital Literacy or
CIT 105 (SKYTC Dual-Credit)
060170 Personal Finance
060111 Business and Marketing Essentials
Choose 1 Credit
060411 Intro to Management
170131 Medical Terminology (0.5 credit) with
170141 Emergency Procedures (0.5 credit)
060107 Business Ed Co-op (WBL approval required)