Students must complete 4 classes in a pathway to be considered a "Completer" and Transition-Ready.

Environmental Control System Tech CIP 47.0201.05

This pathway prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to repair, install, service,  & maintain the operating condition of heating, air conditioning, & refrigeration systems. The pathway includes instruction in diagnostic techniques, the use of testing equipment and the principles of mechanics, electricity, and electronics as they relate to the repair of heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems.

Complete four credits: 

  • 460828 Refrigeration Fundamentals 

  • 460817 HVAC Electricity 

  • 460826 Electrical Components 

  • 460820 Heating & Humidification

I enjoyed this pathway because it is hands on and easier for me to learn compared to pencil and paper. I plan on going into a labor union, and now that I have taken these classes, it will help make going into the workforce easie. I have gotten my EPA 608 Universal Certification showing my abilities to maintain and handle refrigeration. HVAC stands out because Mr Scott is an outstanding hands-on teacher."

- Luke Roeder, 2024  


Both courses meet the criteria for the Work Ready Scholarship. ​

SKYCTC ACR 100/101 & ACR 102/103 - Must be at least a sophomore and meet SKYCTC admission requirements.

Industry Certifications

  • EPA 608

  • OSHA 10