Health Sciences Pathways (ATC)
Students must complete 4 classes in a pathway to be considered a "Completer" and Transition-Ready.
Allied Health CIP 51.0000.01
This pathway is a general, introductory, undifferentiated, or joint pathway in health services occupations that prepares individuals for either entry into specialized training programs or for a variety of concentrations in the allied health area. Includes instruction in the basic sciences, research and clinical procedures, and aspects of the subject matter related to various health occupations.
Choose (3) three credits:
170111 Principles of Health Science
170141 Emergency Procedures (.5 credit) &
170501 Allied Health Core Skills (.5 or credit)
170131 Medical Terminology
Choose (1) one credit from the following
170167 Body Structures and Functions
Phlebotomy Technician CIP 51.1009.01
This pathway is a general, introductory, undifferentiated, or joint pathway in health services occupations that prepares individuals for either entry into specialized training programs or for a variety of concentrations in the allied health area. Includes instruction in the basic sciences, research and clinical procedures, and aspects of the subject matter related to various health occupations.
Choose (3) three credits:
170111 Principles of Health Science
170141 Emergency Procedures (.5 credit) &
170501 Allied Health Core Skills (.5 or credit)
170131 Medical Terminology
Choose (1) one credit from the following
170167 Body Structures and Functions
Pharmacy Technician CIP 51.0805.01
This pathway prepares individuals, under the supervision of pharmacists, to prepare medications, provide medications and related assistance to patients, and manage pharmacy clinical and business operations. Includes instruction in medical and pharmaceutical terminology, principles of pharmacology and pharmaceutics, drug identification, pharmacy laboratory procedures, prescription interpretation, patient communication and education, safety procedures, record - keeping, measurement and testing techniques, pharmacy business operations, prescription preparation, logistics and dispensing operations, and applicable standards and regulations.
Complete (3) credits:
170111 Principles of Health Science
170141 Emergency Procedures (.5 credit) &
170501 Allied Health Core Skills (.5 or credit)
170558 Pharmacy Technician
Choose (1) credit from the following:
170167 Body Structures and Functions
170131 Medical Terminology
Pre-Nursing CIP 51.2699.01
Must have instructor approval & have completed 2 prerequisites from list below
This pathway prepares individuals for admission to a professional program in nursing. This pathway focuses on caring for residents in a long-term care facility.
Complete (3) three credits:
170111 Principles of Health Science
170141 Emergency Procedures (.5 credit) &
170501 Allied Health Core Skills (.5 or credit)
170631 Medicaid Nurse Aide
Choose (1) one credit from the following:
170167 Body Structures and Functions
170131 Medical Terminology
Prerequisite Course List and Description
Principles of Health Science
Principles of Health Science is an orientation and foundation for occupations and functions in any health care profession. The course includes broad health care core standards that specify the knowledge and skills needed by the vast majority of healthcare workers. The course focuses on exploring health career options, history of health care, ethical and legal responsibilities, leadership development, safety concepts, health care systems and processes, and basic health care industry skills. This introductory course is a prerequisite for additional courses in the Health Science program.
Emergency Procedures & Allied Health Core Skills
(two courses in one semester, each lasting 9 weeks)
Emergency Procedures will focus on potential emergency situations. It is designed to promote an understanding of standard precautions necessary for personal and professional health maintenance and infection control. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will demonstrate the necessary skills in First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and will be given the opportunity to take the completion examination as outlined by the sponsoring agency.
Allied Health Core Skills is designed to provide knowledge, concepts and psychomotor skills necessary for gainful employment as an entry-level health care worker. Assisting students in selecting a career major, classroom instruction and educational objectives are combined with learning experiences, observations & research.
Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology is designed to develop a working knowledge of language in all health science major areas. Students acquire word-building skills by learning prefixes, suffixes, roots and abbreviations. Students will learn correct pronunciation, spelling, and application rules. By relating terms to body systems, students identify proper use of words in a medical environment. Knowledge of medical terminology enhances the student’s ability to successfully secure employment or pursue advanced education in health care. This course is also offered as dual credit through SKYCTC (AHS 115)
Body Structures and Functions
Body Structures and Functions is designed to provide knowledge of the structure and function of the human body with an emphasis on normalcy. The interactions of all body systems in maintaining homeostasis will promote an understanding of the basic human needs necessary for health maintenance. Academic knowledge from life science core content as it relates to the human body will be included. Laboratory activities should be a part of the course when appropriate.
Dual credit opportunities are made available through South Central Community and Technical College (SKYCTC).
All dual credit offerings meet the requirement for the Work Ready Scholarship, and GPA.
Dual credit courses available:
AHS 115 Medical Terminology
NAA 100 Medicaid Nurse Aide