Computer Programming
Students must complete 4 classes in a pathway to be considered a "Completer" and Transition-Ready.
Computer Programming
The Computer Programming pathway courses will prepare students to design and create apps and websites as well as troubleshoot the latest programming languages used in industry. The curriculum for each course is vetted by industry professionals annually, ensuring current and relevant skills and outcomes are the instructional focus. Upon completion of this career pathway, students will be prepared for an entry level position in the software development field or continue their education in computer programming.
Choose 4
060112 Digital Literacy or
110110 Computer Literacy
110710 Intro to Computer Science
111801 Web Page Development
110711 AP Computer Science Principles
110701 AP Computer Science A
110821 App Development with SWIFT (ATC)
110919 Computer Science Internship (WBL approval required)
110226 Project-Based Programming
Industry Certifications
Microsoft Technology Associate: Introduction to Programming Using HTML and CSS
Microsoft Technology Associate: Introduction to Programming Using Python
Microsoft Technology Associate: Introduction to Programming JavaScript
Microsoft Technology Associate: Software Development Fundamentals
App Development with SWIFT